Join us as we take 25 students from Team B to the ICC in Birmingham on the 24th May 2025.
What is JTF
After our incredible successes at JTF in 2022, 2023, and 2024 - bringing home multiple awards - we are thrilled to offer young performers the chance to take part in the Junior Theatre Festival at Birmingham ICC on Saturday, 24th May 2025!
This prestigious event brings together talented students from across Europe to perform a 15-minute musical theatre showcase, adjudicated by top industry professionals.
The day is packed with:
✨ Expert feedback to help performers grow
✨ Inspiring workshops in dance, singing, and acting
✨ Performances from West End stars and industry professionals​
Fridays 5.45 - 6.45pm.​
Rehearsals for our JTF 2025 team will begin Friday 28th February. There will be a total of 10 rehearsals leading up to the festival, where we will prepare a 15-minute performance to be adjudicated by West End and international professionals.
Show choice
We will choose our show title to present our 15 minute performance with our cast at their first rehearsal
📌 Please Note: If your child has previously performed in the chosen show with us before JTF in a specific role, they may be considered for the same role, but this is not guaranteed. All roles will be re-auditioned within class offering new opportunities and the best possible showcase of the team.
We still have space for 5 more students aged 15-18 to join our JTF team 2025.
Email james@wigles.co.uk for more info!
Naomi Ashley-Sanders
Ashley Bale
Daniel Bevan
Ellie Coffey
Kyran Candin
Nye Crane
Nina Crowe
Patrick Davies
Bethany Ede
Imogen Edwards
J Ford
Kim Gibbons
Georgia Hall-Salter
Robyn Howard
Libby Keeble
Heidi MacKechnie
Elijah McAree
Dan McCloud
Sophie Meredith
Poppy Moelwyn-Williams
Aniela Poli
Emily Whitmore
Violet Williams